Marriage Counselling

Couples therapy

professional support for your relationship.

If your marriage out of balance, I am here for you.

Marriage Counselling Berlin

Marriage counselling in German and English in Berlin Mitte. There are many reasons for marriage counselling. If you keep on having the same problems in your marriage and are not able to resolve them adequately on your own, marriage counselling can help to break those vicious circles.

Even a stable and good marriage can go through a crisis. Sometimes external factors like a move, change of job or an illness bring about problems in a marriage. Maybe you are always arguing or have nothing more to say? Or you have simply lost that “special feeling”? Every marriage is unique and so my marriage counselling is individually tailored according to your special needs.

Marriage Counselling Héloise von Planta

What is Marriage Counselling Berlin Mitte all about? The crucial point is a deeper understanding of your marriage in its whole complexity. Marriage partners maybe argue about money, sex, the kids or where to spend the next holiday. But mostly the real argument is not about these superficial topics but concerns deeper feelings, lying beneath the surface – deeper needs of which you may not at first be aware. By understanding these underlying needs it becomes possible to find a more loving approach to each other.

Also biographical issues in the life of each partner play a role in a marriage. Understanding these complex interrelationships can bring great emotional relief to a married couple. This in turn can lead to a deeper level of understanding in your marriage, to a deeper love. This renews and enlivens your relationship and makes you feel emotionally closer to your marriage partner.

Maybe you are thinking of a breakup or even a divorce? Sometimes it turns out in the course of the marriage counselling that a breakup is the right solution. Marriage counselling doesn’t aim at avoiding a breakup at all costs. Also in case of breakup and divorce I will give you guidance and support in this very difficult phase in your life.

– English and German

– appointments at short notice possible

– central location in Berlin Mitte near Friedrichstrasse

Make the first step! Arrange your first appointment now.

Héloïse von Planta, Marriage Counseling Berlin Mitte.

Make the first step!


My sessions usually last 90 minutes. During an initial consultation we get to know each other and you as a couple have enough time to describe where exactly your difficulties lie. Then the further procedure is determined. Normally, further sessions are then every 14 days, in some cases more frequently. Often two individual sessions with one partner each are also useful.

The costs of marriage counseling are not covered by any health insurance and are always a self-pay service. The average duration of marriage counseling is 10-14 hours, but this can be agreed upon individually. The costs for marriage counseling can be found in this overview.

Couples in a crisis need fast and effective help.

Make an appointment.

The Costs

The costs of couples counseling are not covered by any health insurance. On average couple therapy involves about 10-14 sessions, but this can vary individually. The costs of couple therapy are as following:

Session couples counseling  90 min: 210 Euro

Session individual counseling 60 min: 140 Euro

If you need to cancel an appointment, please make sure to cancel at least 48 hours in advance by telephone or email. Otherwise I won’t be able to reschedule the appointment for another couple and will have to charge you for the session.

You have any questions?