About me
Training and Qualification
Couples Therapy in English and German
Training and Qualification
I have praciticed as a couple therapist for over 10 years, both in counceling institutions in and around Berlin as well as in private practise. As a South African I was born in London, but grew up in Germany, so I am fluent in both English and German. Growing up with two different cultures enables me to be sensitive to issues and challenges for expats living in Germany and for couples from different cultural backgrounds.
University degrees in Medicine, Art History and Ethnology in Cape Town, Würzburg and Cologne (Master of Arts)
3-year intensive course in psychodynamic family orientated councelling at the EZI in Berlin
Basic and advanced training in emotionally focussed couples therapy
Training in the Gottman method, Level 1 and 2
Training in integrative couples therapy at the Institut für integrative Paartherapie in Berlin
Training with Berit Brockhausen, DGVT Berlin
Make the first step

Couples Therapy in English and German
Training and Qualification
I have praciticed as a couple therapist for many years, both in counceling institutions in and around Berlin as well as in private practise. As a South African I was born in London, but grew up in Germany, so I am fluent in both English and German.
I studied Medicine, Art History and Ethnology in Cape Town, Würzburg and Cologne. I passed a 3-year intensive course in psychodynamic therapy to which I added further edudation and manifold courses of studies in the fields of couple- and family-therapy.
How I work: My approach to couple therapy
The basis of my therapeutic work is psychodynamic. In addition, I have studied various approaches to couple therapy in numerous further and advanced training courses and have expanded my spectrum. Thus I work “multi-handedly” with different methods. Because not every method suits every couple. So I use my own “toolbox” of methods and tools. From John Gottmann to solution-oriented my toolbox is manifold. Emotion-focused couples therapy (EFT) is particularly close to my heart. EFT is a highly effective and structured short-term method to help couples experience closeness and connection again. This has been fundamentally studied neuroscientifically. The effectiveness of the method has been empirically proven. Current research and long-term studies show that 70-75% of couples can successfully resolve their relationship issues with EFT, and about 90% show significant improvement. These are the best results to date in the field of couples therapy. EFT can really improve unhappy relationships. Because most of the time relationships do not fail because of a lack of love. They usually fail because of negative relationship patterns that suppress the partners’ perceived love more and more. But these patterns can be broken so that love for each other can be revived. The method is based on John Bowlby’s attachment theory and was developed by Dr. Sue Johnson in Canada. It is now practised worldwide. For more information on the method, I recommend the book by Sue Johnson “Hold me tight” and the website holdmetightonline.com